SAP SD – SALES AND DISTRIBUTION T Codes | List of Transaction Codes

SAP T Codes Description

BD21 Creating IDoc Type from Change Pointers

BD22 Delete Change Pointers

BUP1 Create Business Partner

BUP2 Maintain Business Partner

BUP3 Display Business Partner

COGI Automatic Goods Movements: Error Handling

DGP1 Create Dangerous Goods Master

DGP2 Change Dangerous Goods Master

DGP3 Display Dangerous Goods Master

DGR1 Dangerous Goods Master: Display with Descriptions

DP90 Resource-Related Billing Request

LT01 Create Transfer Order

LT02 Clear Inventory Using Transfer Order

LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note

LT04 Create Transfer Order from TR

LT05 Processing Posting Change

LT06 Create Transfer Order for Material Document

LT07 Place Storage Unit into Stock: Beginning Process

LT08 Additional Stock for Storage Unit: Beginning Process

LT09 Create Transfer Order for Storage Unit: Entry

LT0S Create Transfer Order for Multiple Orders

LT10 Stock Transfer: Start

LT11 Confirm Item: Confirm Single Item (In One Step)

LT12 Confirm Transfer Order

LT13 Confirm Transfer Order Items for Storage Unit: Preparation

LT14 Confirm Planned Single Item

LT15 Cancelling Transfer Order

LT16 Cancel Transfer Order for Storage Unit

LT1A Change Transfer Order Header

LT1B Confirm Item: Confirm Single Item (Pick Step)

LT21 Display Transfer Order Description

LT22 Transfer orders for storage type

LT23 Transfer Orders: List of Resident Documents

LT24 Transfer Orders for Material

LT25 Display Transfer Order / Group

LT25A Transfer Orders for Each Group (By Wave Pick)

LT25N Transfer Orders for Each Group (Collective Processing)

LT26 Transfer Orders for Storage Bin

LT27 Transfer Orders for Storage Unit

LT28 Transfer Orders for Each Group

LT31 Print Transfer Order

LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing

MC+A Customer Analysis: Returns: Selection

MC+E Customer Analysis: Invoiced Sales: Selection

MCTA Customer Analysis: Selection

MCTC Material Analysis (SIS): Selection

MCTE Sales Organization Analysis: Selection

MCV9 Incomplete SD Documents

OLVD SAP Easy Access Customizing for Sales and Distribution: Shipping

OLVF SAP Easy Access SD Customizing: Billing

OLVS SAP Easy Access Customizing for Sales and Distribution: Master Data

OVKK “Change View “”Pricing Procedurs: Determination in Sales Docs.””:


OVXC Shipping Points -> Plants: Overview

POF1 Pkg instruction – Create Determination Recs

POF2 Pkg instruction – Change Determination Recs

POF3 Pkg instruction – Display Determination Recs

POP1 Create Packing Instruction

POP2 Change Packing Instruction

POP5 Report that outputs all condition records for packaging instructions

PRICAT Initial screen: Price Catalog Maintenance

V.01 Incomplete SD Documents

V.02 Incomplete SD Documents (Incomplete Orders)

V.14 Sales Orders/Contracts Blocked for Delivery

V.15 Backorders

V.21 Log of Collective Run

V.23 Release Sales Orders for Billing

V/03 Create Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

V/04 Change Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

V/05 Display Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

V/06 “Change View “”Conditions: Condition Types””: Overview”

V/07 “Change View “”Access Sequences””: Overview”

V/08 “Change View “”Procedures””: Overview”

V/09 “Change View “”Conditions: Types””: Overview”

V/10 “Change View “”Access Sequences””: Overview”

V/11 “Change View “”Procedures””: Overview”

V/12 Create Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

V/13 Change Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

V/14 Display Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

V/LD Execute Pricing Report

V_NL Create net price list

V_R2 Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: Evaluation

V_UC Selection of Incomplete SD Documents

V_V2 Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: by material

V-61 Create Customer Discount Condition (K007): Fast Entry

V-64 Display Customer Discount (K007): Selection

VA00 SAP Easy Access Sales

VA01 Create Sales Order

VA02 Change Sales Order

VA03 Display Sales Order

VA05 List of Sales Orders

VA07 Selection: Comparison of Orders with Purchase Requisitions and POs

VA08 Adjustment sales-purchasing (selection using organizational data)

VA11 Create Inquiry

VA12 Change Inquiry

VA13 Display Inquiry

VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Deliver

VA15 List of Inquiries

VA21 Create Quotation

VA22 Change Quotation

VA23 Display Quotation

VA25 List of Quotations

VA26 List of Quotations (Follow-up Actions)

VA31 Create Scheduling Agreement

VA32 Change Scheduling Agreement

VA33 Display Scheduling Agreement

VA35 List of Scheduling Agreements

VA41 Create Contract

VA42 Change Contract

VA42W Change Contract

VA43 Display Contract

VA44 Actual Overhead: Calculation: Sales Order

VA45 List of Contracts

VA46 List of Contracts (Follow-up Actions)

VA51 Create Item Proposal

VA52 Change Item Proposal

VA53 Display Item Proposal

VA55 List of Item Proposals

VA88 Actual Settlement: Sales Orders

VACF Fiscal year close: Carry forward commitment

VB01 Create Listing/Exclusion

VB02 Change Listing/Exclusion

VB03 Display Listing/Exclusion

VB11 Create Material Determination

VB12 Change Material Determination

VB13 Display Material Determination

VB21 Create Sales Deal

VB22 Change Sales Deal

VB23 Display Sales Deal

VB25 List of Sales Deals

VB31 Create Promotion

VB32 Change Promotion

VB33 Display Promotion

VB35 Promotions List

VB41 Create cross-selling

VB42 Change cross-selling

VB43 Display cross-selling

VBG1 Create Material Grouping

VBG2 Change Material Grouping

VBG3 Display Material Grouping

VBK0 SAP Easy Access Material Grouping/Bonus Buy

VBK1 Create bonus buy

VBK2 Change bonus buy

VBK3 Display bonus buy

VBN1 Create free goods determination

VBN2 Change free goods determination

VBN3 Display free goods determination

VBO1 Create Rebate Agreement

VBO2 Change Rebate Agreement

VBO3 Display Rebate Agreement

VBOF Update Billing Documents

VC/2 Sales Summary

VC00 SAP Easy Access Sales Support

VC01 Create Sales Activity

VC02 Change Sales Activity

VC03 Display Sales Activity

VCC1 Payment Cards: Worklist

VD01 Customer Create (Sales)

VD02 Customer Change (Sales)

VD03 Customer Display (Sales)

VD04 Customer Account Changes

VD05 Customer Block/Unblock

VD06 Customer Flag for Deletion

VD51 Create Customer-Material Info Record

VD52 Selection of Customer-Material Info Records (Change)

VD53 Selection of Customer-Material Info Records (Display)

VD59 List customer-material-info

VDH2 Display customer hierarchy

VF00 SAP Easy Access Billing

VF01 Create Billing Document

VF02 Change Billing Document

VF03 Display Billing Document

VF04 Maintain Billing Due List

VF05 List of Billing Documents

VF11 Cancel Billing Document

VF21 Create Invoice List

VF22 Change invoice list

VF23 Display Invoice List

VF25 List of Invoice Lists

VF26 Cancel Invoice List

VF31 Output from Billing

VFRB Retro-billing

VFX3 Release Billing Documents for Accounting

VG01 Create Group

VG02 Change Group

VG03 Display Group

VGK1 Create Group: Documents by Group

VGK2 Change Group

VGK3 Display Group

VGM1 Create Group: Documents by Group

VI01 Create Shipment Costs

VI02 Change Shipment Costs

VI03 Display freight costs

VI04 Shipment List: Create shipment costs

VI05 List Shipment Costs: Change Worklist

VI11 List Shipment Costs: Calculation

VI12 List Shipment Costs: Settlement

VI16 Logs in the application log

VK11 Create Condition Records

VK12 Change Condition Records

VK13 Display Condition Records

VK14 Create Condition Records with Reference

VKM1 Blocked SD Documents

VKM2 Released SD Documents

VKM3 Sales Document

VKM4 SD Documents

VKM5 Deliveries

VKP0 SAP Easy Access Pricing

VKP1 Change Price Calculation

VKP5 Create Price Calculation

VL00 SAP Easy Access Shipping

VL01N Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

VL01NO Create Outbound Delivery without Order Reference

VL02N Change Outbound Delivery

VL03N Display Outbound Delivery

VL04 Sales Orders/Purchase Orders Worklist: Selection

VL06 Delivery Monitor

VL06C Outbound Deliveries for Confirmation

VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution

VL06F General Delivery List – Outbound Deliveries

VL06G Oubound Deliveries for Goods Issue

VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor

VL06IC Inbound Deliveries for Confirmation

VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution

VL06IF List of Inbound Deliveries

VL06IG Inbound Deliveries for Goods Receipt

VL06IP Inbound Deliveries for Putaway

VL06L Outbound Deliveries for Loading

VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor

VL06P Outbound Deliveries for Picking

VL06T Outbound Deliveries for Transportation Planning

VL06U Unchecked Outbound Deliveries

VL08 Report Results of Pick Order

VL09 Reverse Goods Movement

VL10 Sales Orders, Fast Display

VL10A Sales Orders, Fast Display

VL10B Purchase Orders, Fast Display

VL10H Sales Order and Purchase Order Items

VL10I Sales and Purch. Order Item Sched. Lines

VL21 Create Background Jobs for Goods Issue Posting

VL22 Display change documents of delivery

VL23N Scheduling reports for background processing

VL30 SAP Easy Access Inbound Delivery

VL31N Create Inbound Delivery

VL32N Change Inbound Delivery

VL33N Display Inbound Delivery

VL34 Generation of Inbound Deliveries

VL35 Create Picking Waves According to Delivery Compare Times

VL35_S Create Pick. Waves Acc. To Shpmnts

VL36 Change Wave Picks

VL37 Wave Pick Monitor

VL41 Create Rough Goods Receipt

VL42 Change Rough GR

VL43 Display Rough GR

VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split

VM01 Create hazardous material

VM02 Change hazardous material

VM03 Display hazardous material

VRRE Create Returns Delivery for Repair Order

VS00 SAP Easy Access Sales Master Data

VS01 Create scale

VS02 Change scale

VS03 Display scale

VS04 Create scale with reference

VS05 List Scales

VS06 List Scales (Shipment Cost)

VSB1 Inbound Monitor: SD Self-Billing Procedure, Status Window

VT00 SAP Easy Access Transportation

VT01N Create Shipment

VT02N Change Shipment

VT03N Display Shipment

VT04 Create shipments in collective proc.

VT05 Logs in the application log

VT06 Shipment List: Colelctive change shpmt

VT11 Shipment List: Planning

VT12 Shipment List: Shipment Completion

VT16 Shipment List: Check-in

VT20 Overall Shipment Status Monitor

VT22 Selection Screen: Change Document Shipment

VT32 Selection Criteria for Forwarding Agent

VT70 Messages for Shipments

VV21 Create Output – Condition Records: Shipping

VV22 Change Output – Condition Records: Shipping

VV23 Display Output – Condition Records: Shipping

VV31 Create Output – Condition Records: Billing

VV32 Change Output – Condition Records: Billing

VV33 Display Output – Condition Records: Billing

VV51 Create Output – Condition Records: Sales activities

VV52 Change Output – Condition Records: Sales activities

VV53 Display Output – Condition Records: Sales activities

VV61 Create Output – Condition Records: Handling Units

VV62 Change Output – Condition Records: Handling Units

VV63 Display Output – Condition Records: Handling Units

VV71 Create Output – Condition Records: Transport

VV72 Change Output – Condition Records: Transport

VV73 Display Output – Condition Records: Transport

VVG1 Create Output – Condition Records: Groups

VVG2 Change Output – Condition Records: Groups

VVG3 Display Output – Condition Records: Groups

VX00 SAP Easy Access Foreign Trade / Customs

VX01N License Create

VX01X License Create

VX02N License Change

VX02X License Change

VX03N License Display

VX03X License Display

VX0C SAP Easy Access Foreign Trade

W10M SAP Easy Access Retailing

WA01 Create Allocation Table

WA02 Change Allocation Table

WA03 Display Allocation Table

WA04 Edit allocation table, reply

WA08 Follow-on Document Generation Allocation Table

WA11 Allocation Table: Message Bundling / Notification Creation

WA21 Allocation Rule Create

WA22 Allocation Rule Change

WA23 Allocation Rule Display

WAK0 SAP Easy Access Promotion

WAK1 Create promotion

WAK11 Promotion – display for plant

WAK12 Maintain promotion items

WAK14 Promotions for a material

WAK15 Promotions for a plant

WAK2 Change promotion

WAK3 Display promotion

WAK4 Delete promotion

WAK5 Promo. Subsequent processing

WAP1 Appointments: Process Worklist

WAP2 Appointments: Change

WAP3 Appointments: Display

WAP4 Appointments: Overview

WAP5 Appointment: Change

WB00 SAP Easy Access Subseq. Settlement, Purchasing – Vendor Rebate


WB01 Plant Create

WB02 Plant Change

WB03 Plant Display

WB20 SAP Easy Access SAP Global Trade Management

WB21 Trading Contract Create

WB22 Trading Contract Change

WB23 Trading Contract Display

WB24 Trading Contract: General Document Overview

WB25 Trading Contract: General Document Overview

WB26 Trading Contract: Document Flow

WB27 Trading Contract: Document Flow

WB28 Trading contract: Display change documents

WB2R Global Trade General Control Parameters

WB60 Create Promotions

WB61 Change Promotions

WB62 Display Promotions

WB63 Delete Promotions

WB66 Plants in a Class – Maintain Assignment

WDBI Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version

WDBM Assortment List.: Manual Request

WDIS SAP Easy Access Materials Requirements Planning

WDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship

WDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship

WDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship

WDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship

WEKF SAP Easy Access Purchase Order

WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor

WF40 Delete distribution

WF50 Adjust Distribution: Selection

WF60 Create Outbound Deliveries for Merchandise Distribution

WF70 Create distribution orders – selection

WFRE Distribution of Returns Among Backorders

WKK1 Create Market-Basket Price Calculation

WLCN Delete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module

WLWB Space Management: Layout Workbench

WMB1 Create Price Entry

WMB2 Change Price Entry

WMB3 Display Price Entry

WMBE Stock Overview: Value-only Material

WPER POS Interface Monitor

WPLG Space Management: Display Materials in Layout Module

WPMA Direct requrest for POS outbound

WPMI POS Outbound: Initialization

WPMU POS Interface – Outbound: Change Message

WPUF POS Simulation: Accounting Documents – Items

WPUK POS Simulation: Selection

WPUS Simulation: Inbound Processing

WPUW Goods Movements

WSE4 Material Discontinuation (Material/Plant Discontinuation)

WSK1 Assortment Copy Assortment

WSL0 Material Groups – Material – Assortments Consistency Check

WSL1 Listing Conditions

WSL11 Evaluation of Listing Conditions

WSL5 Modules in Assortment

WSL7 Material List of a Vendor for Assortment

WSM4A Automatic Relisting Via Changes to Assortment Master Data

WSM8 Reorganize Listing Conditions By Material Group

WSM9 Deletion of Obsolete Listing Conditions

WSO1 Assortment Module Create

WSO5 Assortment Module assignment to Assortment: Maintn

WSO7 Assortment Module assignment to Assortment: Display

WSOA1 Create Assortment

WSOA2 Change Assortment

WSOA3 Display Assortment

WSP4 Create Individual Listing Material/Assortment

WSP5 Change Individual Listing Material/Assortment

WSP6 Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment

WSPL Display/edit material master segments that cannot be generated

WVA1 Create Planned mark-up

WVA2 Change Planned mark-up

WVA3 Display Planned mark-up

WVA7 Display Planned markup (Price list)

WVFB Simulation Store Orders: Header Data Selection

WVFD Send physical inventory document

WVFI Simulation: Store Physical Inventory/Sales Price Change

WVM2 Transfer of Stock and Sales Data

WVN0 Pricing Worklist: Generate

WVN1 Release Worklist for Material

WWM1 Create Product Catalog

WWM2 Change Product Catalog

WWM3 Display Product Catalog

WWM4 Copy Product Catalog

WWM5 Delete Product Catalog

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