
SAP PP/PI – PRODUCTION PLANNING T Codes | List of Transaction Codes

SAP T Codes Description

B3MG Display Master Warranty

BGM1 Create Master Warranty

BGM2 Change Master Warranty

BM00 SAP Easy Access Batch Management

BMBC Batch Information Cockpit

C201 Create Master Recipe

C202 Change Master Recipe

C203 Display Master Recipe

C223 Production Version: Mass Processing

C251 Master Recipe Print List

C252 Print List for Production Versions with Consistency Check

C260 Task List Changes

C261 Display Change Documents for a Recipe Group

C298 Deletion of Task Lists without Archiving

CA00 SAP Easy Access Routings

CA01 Create Routing

CA02 Change Routing

CA03 Display Routing

CA10 Stdandard Text

CA11 Create Reference Operation Set

CA12 Change Reference Operation Set

CA13 Display Reference Operation Set

CA21 Create Rate Routing

CA22 Change Rate Routing

CA23 Display Rate Routing

CA31 Create Reference Rate Routing

CA32 Change Reference Rate Routing

CA33 Display Reference Rate Routing

CA60 Task List Changes

CA62 Display Change Documents for Reference Operation Set Group

CA63 Display Change Documents for a Routingscription

CA64 Display Change Documents for a Reference Rate Routing Group

CA70 Use of PRT in Task Lists: Selection

CA75 Replace PRT in Task Lists: Selection

CA75N Mass Change of Production Res./Tools: Selection

CA80 Work Center Where-Used: Selection

CA81 Resource Where-Used: Selection

CA85 Replace Work Center: Selection

CA85N Mass Change Work Center

CA87 Replace Work Center: Selection

CA90 Use of Reference Operation Set in Task Lists: Selection

CA95 Replace Reference Operation Set: Selection

CA95N Mass Change Ref. Operation Set Reference: Selection

CA96 Update Material Master

CA97 Update Material Master: Initial Screen (for Mass Processing)

CA98 Deletion of Task Lists without Archiving

CA99 Archive Administration

CAC0 SAP Easy Access Master Recipe – Access Via Production Version

CC00 SAP Easy Access Engineering Change Management

CC01 Create Change Master

CC02 Change Change Master

CC03 Display Change Master

CC04 Product Structure Browser

CC05 Change Overview Initial Screen

CC07 Change Number Selection

CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure

CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure

CK24 Price Update: Mark Standard Price

CK31 Print log of costing run

CK33 Comparison of Itemizations

CK40N Edit Costing Run

CK41 Create Costing Run (Material)

CK42 Change Costing Run (Material)

CK43 Display Costing Run (Material)

CK44 Delete Costing Run

CK80 Cost Component Report for Product Cost Estimate

CK81 Application Tree Report Selection Product Cost Planning

CK82 List of Existing Material Cost Estimates

CK83 Call RKKBPCD0 in Background

CK84 Line items in cost est for product

CK85 Line Item Report Costing Items

CK86 Costed Multilevel BOM, Material Cost Estimate

CK87 Costed Multilevel BOM, Sales Order Cost Estimate

CK88 Partner Cost Component Split

CK89 Cost Component Report for Sales Document Cost Estimate

CK90 SAP Easy Access: Mixed Costing

CK91 Create Procurement Alternative

CK91N Display Procurement Alternatives

CK92 Change Procurement Alternatives

CK93 Display Procurement Alternatives

CK94 Change Mixing Ratios

CK95 Display Mixing Ratios

CKC1 Check Costing Variant

CKCM Easy Cost Planning: Model

CKECP Ad Hoc Cost Estimate

CKM3 Material Price Analysis

CKMB Display Material Ledger Document

CKME Release Planned Price Changes

CKMF Allow Price Determination

CKMG Allow Closing Entries

CKMH Single-Level Material Price Determination

CKR1 Reorganization of Cost Estimates

CKUC Multilevel Unit Costing

CKW1 Create Cost Estimate for Production Lot

CKW3 Display Cost Estimate for Production Lot

CKW4 Activate Cost Estimate for Production Lot

CM00 SAP Easy Access Capacity Planning

CM01 Capacity Planning: Selection (Work Center – Load)

CM02 Capacity Planning: Selection (Orders)

CM03 Capacity Planning: Selection (Work Center – Pool)

CM04 Capacity Planning: Selection (Work Center – Backlog)

CM05 Capacity Planning: Selection (Work Center – Overload)

CM07 Capacity Planning (Variable)

CM22 Capacity leveling: SFC planning table

CM23 Capacity leveling: SFC orders tab

CM24 Capacity Leveling (Individual Capacity – Tabular)

CM25 Capacity Leveling (Variable)

CM26 Capacity leveling: Proj. View Tabular

CM27 Capacity level.: SFC indiv. cap. graph

CM28 Capac. level.: SFC indiv. cap. Tab

CM30 Capacity Leveling (Indvidual Capacity – Graphical)

CM31 Cap. leveling: SFC orders graphical

CM32 Cap. leveling: PS graph

CM33 Capacity Leveling (Work Center – Graphical)

CM34 Capacity Leveling (Work Center – Tabular)

CM35 Capacity Leveling (Resource View – Table)

CM36 Capacity Leveling (Process Order View)

CM38 Capacity Planning (Capacity Leveling Long-Term Planning)

CM50 Capacity level: SFC work cntr list

CM51 Cap. level: SFC individual cap. list

CM52 Cap. leveling: SFC orders list

CM53 Capacity leveling: PS elem/version

CM54 Capacity leveling: PS list via vers.

CM55 Cap. leveling: PS list WCntr/version

CM56 Capacity evaluation (Resource View)

CM57 Capacity evaluation (Order View)

CMP2 Workforce Planning – Selection Project View

CMP3 Workforce Planning: Selection for Work Center View

CMP9 Workforce Planning – Reporting

CO00 SAP Easy Access Shop Floor Control

CO01 Production Order Create

CO01S Simulation Order Create

CO02 Production Order Change

CO02S Simulation Order Change

CO03 Production Order Display

CO03S Simulation Order Display

CO04 Print Shop Papers

CO04N Print Production Orders

CO05N Release Production Orders

CO06 Backorder Processing

CO07 Production Order Create (Without Material)

CO08 Production Order Create (For Sales Order)

CO09 Availability Overview

CO10 Production Order Create

CO11 Enter Production Order Confirmation

CO11N Enter time ticket for production order

CO12 Collective Entry: Time Ticket

CO13 Cancel Production Order Confirmation

CO14 Display Production Order Confirmation

CO15 Enter Production Order Confirmation

CO16N Postprocessing Incorrect Confirmations

CO27 Picking List

CO40 Production Order Create (Planned Order)

CO41 Collective Conversion of Planned Orders

CO43 Actual Overhead Calculation: Production/Process Orders

CO44 Mass Processing for Orders

CO46 Order Progress Report: Selection Screen

CO48 Production Order Create

CO78 Archiving of Production Orders

CO88 Actual Settlement: Production/Process Orders

COB1 Create Batch Search Strategy

COB2 Change Batch Search Strategy

COB3 Display Batch Search Strategy

COFC Reprocessing of confirmations with errors in calc. of actual costs

COHV Mass Processing Production Orders

COID Selection of Indiv. Object Lists

COIO Order Info System for PP-PI

COMAC Collective Availability Check

COOIS Production Order Information System

COPD Print Process Order

COPI Print Process Order Shop Floor Papers

COR1 Create Process Order

COR2 Change Process Order

COR3 Display Process Order

COR5 Release Process Order

COR6 Create Process Order Confirmation

COR6N Enter time ticket for process order

COR7 Create Process Order (Convert Planned Order)

COR8 Collective Conversion of Planned Orders

CORA Process Order: Scheduling External Relationships

CORK Enter Process Order Confirmation

CORO Create Process Order w/o Material

CORR Collective Entry of Confirmations

CORS Cancel Process Order Confirmation

CORT Display Process Order Confirmation

CORZ Enter Confirmation of Process Order: Create Time Event

CR01 Create Work Center

CR02 Change Work Center

CR03 Display Work Center

CR05 Work Center List

CR06 Assignment of Work Centers to Cost Centers

CR07 Work Center Capacities

CR08 Work Center Hierarchy

CR09 Standard Text

CR10 Work Center Change Documents

CR11 Create Capacity

CR12 Change Capacity

CR13 Display Capacity

CR15 Capacity: Where-used

CR21 Create Hierarchy

CR22 Change Hierarchy

CR23 Display Hierarchy

CR60 Work center information system

CRA1 Archive Administration: Create Archive Files

CRA2 Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program

CRAA Display Work Center

CRAH Create Work Center

CRAV Change Work Center

CS00 SAP Easy Access Bills of Material

CS01 Create Material BOM

CS02 Change Material BOM

CS03 Display Material BOM

CS05 Change BOM Group

CS06 Display BOM Group

CS07 Create Plant Assignment

CS08 Change Plant Assignment

CS09 Display Plant Assignment

CS11 Explode BOM: Level by Level

CS12 Explode BOM: Multi-Level BOM

CS13 Explode BOM: Summarized BOM

CS14 BOM Comparison: Initial Screen (One-Level)

CS15 Where-Used List: Material: Initial Screen

CS20 Mass Changes: Material Selection (Bills of Material)

CS21 Mass Changes: Material Selection

CS22 Mass Changes: Document Selection

CS23 Mass Changes: Class Selection

CS25 Archive Administration: Create Archive Files

CS26 Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program

CS27 Archive Administration: Run Read Program

CS28 Archive Administration: Initial Screen

CS31 Create class BOM

CS32 Change class BOM

CS33 Display class BOM

CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material

CS41 Change Link to Configurable Material

CS42 Display Link to Configurable Material

CS51 Create standard BOM

CS52 Change standard BOM

CS53 Display standard BOM

CS61 Create order BOM

CS62 Change order BOM

CS63 Display order BOM

CS71 Create WBS BOM

CS72 Change WBS BOM

CS73 Display WBS BOM

CS74 Create WBS BOM (Structure)

CS75 Change WBS BOM (Structure)

CS76 Display WBS BOM (Structure)

CS80 Display Change Documents: Material BOM

CS81 Display Change Documents: Standard BOM

CS82 Display Change Documents: Order BOM

CS83 Display Change Documents: WBS BOM

CS84 Change documents for class BOM

CS90 Number ranges for material bills of material

CS91 Standard object list number range

CS92 Number ranges for sales order BOMs

CSK1 Explode BOM: Level by Level

CSK2 Explode BOM: Multi-Level BOM

CSK3 Explode BOM: Summarized BOM

CSMB Material BOM Browser


CV15 Change Document BOM group

CV16 Display Document BOM group

IK01 Create Measuring Point

IK01R Create Reference Measuring Point

IK02 Change Measuring Point

IK02R Change Reference Measuring Point

IK03 Display Measuring Point

IK03R Display Reference Measuring Point

IK06 Display Measuring Points for Object

IK07 Display Measuring Points: MeasPoint Selection

IK07R Display Reference Measuring Point: Reference Measuring Point Selection

IK08 Change Measuring Points: MeasPoint Selection

IK08R Change Reference Measuring Point: Reference Measuring Point


IPMD “Display View “”Maintain Permits””: Overview”

KSOP Transfer Scheduled from PP for Business Processes

KSPP Transfer Planned Activity Requirements for Production

LDB1 Create Line Hierarchy

LDB2 Change Line Hierarchy

LDB3 Display Line Hierarchy

MB11 Enter Goods Movement

MB31 Goods Receipt for Order (Production)

MBVR Manage Reservations

MC11 Create Evaluation

MC12 Change Evaluation

MC13 Display Evaluation

MC35 Create Rough-Cut Planning Profile

MC36 Change Rough-Cut Planning Profile

MC37 Display Rough-Cut Planning Profile

MC61 Create Planning Hierarchy

MC62 Change Planning Hierarchy

MC63 Display Planning Hierarchy

MC64 Create Event

MC65 Change Event

MC66 Display Event

MC67 Planning Hierarchy Graphic

MC71 Product group hierarchy

MC72 Product Group Usage

MC74 Transfer Planning Data to Demand Management (Material)

MC75 Transfer Planning Data to Demand Management (Product Group)

MC78 Copy Planning Version

MC80 Delete Planning Version

MC84 Create Product Group

MC85 Display Product Group

MC86 Change Product Group

MC88 Sales and Operations Planning

MC8A Planning Type: Create

MC8B Planning Type: Change

MC8C Planning Type: Display

MC8D Create Planning Job

MC8E Change Planning Job

MC8G Schedule Background Run for Selected Planning Objects

MC8J List of planning objects

MC8V Copy Planning Version

MC8W Delete Planning Version

MC90 Transfer Planning Data to Demand Management

MC93 Create Plan in Flexible Planning

MC94 Change Plan in Flexible Planning

MC95 Display Plan in Flexible Planning

MC96 “Change View “”Configuration of Forecast Profiles””: Details”

MC9B Determine Proporations of Lowest-Level Nodes for Consistent Planning

MC9C Standard Analysis for Info Structure

MC9K Maintain Available Capacity for Material

MCI6 Object Statistics

MCP1 Operation Analysis

MCP3 Production Order Analysis

MCP5 Material Analysis

MCP7 Work Center Analysis: Selection

MCRE Material Usage Analysis

MCRI Product Costs Analysis

MCRX Material Usage Analysis

MCRY Product Costs Analysis

MCYJ Shop Floor Information System (PP-IS): Execute Exception Analysis

MD01 MRP Run

MD02 Single-Item; Multi-Level (MRP)

MD03 Single-Item, Single-Level (MRP)

MD05 MRP List (Individual Display)

MD06 MRP List (Collective Display)

MD07 Stock/Requirements List (collective Display)

MD09 Determine Pegged Requirements

MD11 Create Planned Order

MD12 Change Planned Order

MD13 Display Planned Order

MD14 Convert Planned Order to Purchase Requisition

MD15 Collective Conversion of Plnd Ord. to Pur. Req.

MD16 Display Planned Orders

MD17 Collective Requirements Display

MD20 Create Planning File Entry

MD21 Display planning file entries

MD25 Create Planning Calendar

MD26 Change Planning Calendar

MD27 Display Planning Calendar

MD43 Single-Item Planning – Interactive

MD44 Evaluation of the Planning Situation

MD45 Evaluation of the Planning Result

MD46 Evaluation of the Planning Result for MRP Controller

MD47 Evaluation of Product Group Planning

MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation

MD4C Multilevel Order Report

MD50 Make-To-Order Planning – Multi-Level

MD51 Project Planning – Multi-Level

MD61 Create Planned Independent Requirements

MD62 Change Planned Independent Requirements

MD63 Display Planned Independent Requirements

MD64 Standard Independent Requirements (Create)

MD65 Change Standard Independent Requirements

MD66 Display Standard Independent Requirements

MD73 Display Total Requirements

MD74 Reorganizing Indep. Reqmts – Adjusting Requirements (PlndIndReq)

MD75 Indep. requirements reorganization – Delete old requirements records

MD76 Reorg: Indep. Reqmts – Delete History and Independent Requirements

MD79 PP Demand Management / XXL List Viewer

MD81 Create Independent Requirements

MD82 Change Independent Requirements

MD83 Display Independent Requirements

MDAB Set up planning file entries: Variant

MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order

MDBT Total Planning: Variants

MDL1 Create Production Lot

MDL2 Change Production Lot

MDL3 Display Production Lot

MDLD Print MRP List

MDRE Plnning file entries consisten: Variants

MDSA Display BOM Explosion Numbers

MDSP Maintain BOM Explosion Numbers

MDUM Convert Planned Orders into PR: Variants

MDUP Process project assignment

MDUS Display project assignment

MDVP Collective Availability Check

MF12 Display Document Log Information

MF26 Display Reporting Point Information

MF30 Creation of Preliminary Cost Estimates for Product Cost Collectors

MF41 Document-Specific Backflush Reversal

MF42N Collective Entry of Confirmations

MF45 Postprocess Backflush Items

MF46 Collective Postprocessing

MF50 Planning Table Initial Screen: Change Mode

MF51 Production List for Repetitive Manufacturing

MF52 Planning Table Initial Screen: Display Mode

MF57 Planning Table Initial Screen: By MRP Lists

MF60 Material Staging for Planned Orders

MF63 Staging Situation for Planned Orders

MF65 Picking: Collective processing

MF68 Message logs for material staging

MF70 Aggregate Collective Backflush

MFBF REM Confirmation: Transaction Variant: None

MFHU HU Backflush in Repetitive Manufacturing

MP30 Execute Forecast (Materials)

MP31 Change Forecast (Materials)

MP32 Display Forecast (Materials)

MP33 Forecast Reprocessing

MP38 Execute Mass Forecast

MP39 Material Forecast Printing

MP80 Forecast Profile Create

MP81 Forecast Profile Change

MP82 Forecast Profile Delete

MP83 Forecast Profile Display

MP90 Number Ranges for Forecast Parameter

MP91 Number Ranges for Forecast Values

MPBT Total Forecast: Variants

MPDR Print forecast: Variants

MS31 Create Planning Scenario

MS32 Change Planning Scenario

MS33 Display Planning Scenario

MS44 Long-Term Planning: Evaluation

MS64 Copy Version

MSC1N Create Batch

MSC2N Change Batch

MSC3N Display Batch

MSC4N Display Change Documents for Batch

OMI8 Plant Parameters for Material Requirements Planning

OP4A “Change View “”Grouping””: Overview”

OPPP “Change View “”Alternative BOM Determination””: Overview”

OS29 “Change View “”User Profile for BOMs””: Overview”

PK00 SAP Easy Access Kanban

PK01 Create Control Cycle

PK02 Change Control Cycle

PK03 Display Control Cycle

PK03NR Display Control Cycle

PK05 “Change View “”Supply Area””: Overview”

PK05S Fast Entry Supply Area

PK06 “Display View “”Supply Area””: Overview”

PK10 Define Status of Kanban Board

PK11 Kanban Plant Overview

PK12N Kanban Board: Supply Source Overview

PK13N Kanban Board: Demand Source Overview

PK17 Collective Kanban Print

PK18 Econtrol Cycle and Kanban Evaluation

PK21 Kanban Signal

PK22 Quantity Signal: Input

PK23 Create Kanban

PK41 Kanban Backflush

PK50 Kanban Processing: Error Display

PKBC Kanban Signal

PKC1 SAP Easy Access Activity-Based Costing Information System

PKMC Control Cycle Maintenance: Display

WWP1 Planning Workbench (Online Planning)

WWP3 Planning Workbench (Order Cancellation)

Exit mobile version