
SAP MM – MATERIALS MANAGEMENT T Codes | List of Transaction Codes

T-Code Description

ME00 SAP Easy Access Purchasing
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME03 Display Source List
ME04 Changes to Source List
ME05 Generate Source List
ME06 Analyze Source List
ME07 Reorganize Source List
ME08 Send Source List
ME0M Source List for Material
ME11 Create Info Record
ME12 Change Info Record
ME13 Display Info Record
ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record
ME15 Flag Info Record for Deletion
ME16 Deletion Proposals for Info Records
ME17 Archive Administration (Purchasing Info Records)
ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record
ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records
ME1B Define Background Job
ME1E Quotation Price History
ME1L Info Records per Vendor
ME1M Info Records per Material
ME1P Purchase Order Price History
ME1W Info Records Per Material Group
ME1X Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
ME1Y Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Material
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME24 Maintain PO Supplement
ME25 Create PO (with Source Determination)
ME26 Display PO Supplement
ME27 Create Purchase Order (Stock Transfer)
ME28 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
ME29N Display Purchase Order (Individual Release)
ME2A Monitor Vendor Confirmations
ME2B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
ME2C Purchasing Documents for Material Group
ME2J Purchasing Documents per Project
ME2K Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
ME2L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME2M Purchasing Documents for Material
ME2N Purchasing Documents per Document Number
ME2O SC Stock Monitoring for Vendor
ME2S PO Reporting with Services
ME2V Expected Goods Receipts
ME2W Purchasing Documents per Supplying Plant
ME308 Send Contracts (with Conditions)
ME31 Create Outline Agreement
ME31K Create Contract
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32 Change Outline Agreement
ME32K Change Contract
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33 Display Outline Agreement
ME33K Display Contract
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
ME34 Maintain Outline Agreement Supplement
ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement
ME34L Maintain Sched. Agmt. Suppl.
ME35 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
ME35K Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreement)
ME35L Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Scheduling Agreement)
ME36 Display Outline Agreement Supplement
ME37 Create Scheduling Agreement
ME38 Maintain Sch. Agmt Schedule
ME39 Display Sch. Agmt Schedule
ME3A Send Release Document
ME3B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
ME3C Purchasing Documents for Material Group
ME3J Outline Agreements per Project
ME3K Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
ME3L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME3M Purchasing Documents for Material
ME3N Purchasing Documents per Document Number
ME3P Define Background Job
ME3R Define Background Job
ME3S Contract Reporting with Services
ME41 Create RFQ
ME42 Change RFQ
ME43 Display RFQ
ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement
ME45 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (RFQ)
ME47 Maintain Quotation
ME48 Display Quotation
ME49 Price Comparison List
ME4B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number (RFQ)
ME4C Purchasing Documents for Material Group (RFQ)
ME4L Purchasing Documents per Vendor (RFQ)
ME4M Purchasing Documents for Material (RFQ)
ME4N Purchasing Documents per Document Number (RFQ)
ME4S RFQs per Collective Number
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME54N Release Purchase Requisition (Individual Release)
ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions
ME56 Assign Source to Supply to Requisitions
ME57 Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions
ME58 Ordering: Assigned Purchase Requisitions
ME59N Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
ME5A List Display of Purchase Requisitions
ME5F Release (Approval) Reminder: Purchase Requisitions
ME5J List Display of Purchase Requisitions for Project
ME5K List Display of Purchase Requisitions (by Account Assignment)
ME5W Resubmission of Purchase Requisitions
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation
ME63 Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
ME6A Display Change Documents
ME6B Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
ME6C Vendors Without Evaluation
ME6D Vendors Not Evaluated Since…
ME6E Evaluation Records Without Weighting Key
ME6F Print Vendor Evaluation Sheet
ME6G Define Background Job
ME6H Vendor Evaluation Analysis
ME80 Purchasing Documents (General Analysis)
ME80A Purchasing Documents (RFQs)
ME80AN General Evaluations (RFQs)
ME80F Purchasing Documents (Purchase Orders)
ME80FN General Evaluations (Purchase Orders)
ME80R Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreements)
ME80RN General Evaluations (Outline Agreement)
ME81N Analysis of Purchase Order Values
ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents
ME84 Create Releases
ME84A Individual Display of Scheduling Agreement Release
ME85 Renumber SA Delivery Schedule Lines
ME86 Aggregation/Disaggregation of Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
ME87 Summarization and Removal of PO History Records
ME88 Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity and Reconciliation Date
ME91 Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
ME91A Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
ME91E Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Scheduling Agreement)
ME91F Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Purchase Orders)
ME92 Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments
ME92F Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Purchase Order)
ME92K Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Contract)
ME92L Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Scheduling Agreement)
ME98 Archive Administration (Purchasing Documents)
ME99 Output from Purchase Orders
ME9A Message Output (Request for Quotation)
ME9E Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
ME9F Message Output (Purchase Order)
ME9K Message Output (Contract)
ME9L Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
MEAN “Address maintanance: Initial screen “”Delivery addresses (master data)””
MEB0 Cancel Settlement Runs
MEB1 Create Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
MEB2 Change Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
MEB3 Display Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
MEB4 Settlement: Vendor Rebate Arrangements, Purchasing
MEB5 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements: Purchasing
MEB8 Detailed Statement; Vendor Busn. Vols.: Reb. Arrangements, Purchasing
MEDL Price Change Involving Vendor’s Contracts
MEI1 Changes to Purchasing Documents Due to Changes in Conditions
MEI2 Mass Adjustment of Documents Due to Changes in Documentss
MEI3 Recompilation of Doc. Index (Auto. Document Adj., Subseq.
MEI4 Automatic Document Adjustment: Create Worklist
MEI5 Automatic document adjustment: delete worklist
MEI6 Delete document index (Auto. Doc. Adjustment, Subsequent Settlement)
MEI7 Make Price Change in Open Purchase Orders
MEI8 Recompilation of document index (doc. adjustment) for payment docs
MEI9 Recompilation of Doc. Index (Doc. Adjustment) for Vend. Billing Docs
MEK1 Create Condition Records
MEK2 Change Condition Records
MEK3 Display Condition Records
MEK31 Change Condition Records
MEK32 Change Condition Records
MEK33 Display Condition Records
MEK4 Create Condition Records with Reference
MEKA Purchasing Conditions
MEKB Conditions by Contract
MEKC Conditions by Info Record
MEKD Conditions for Material Group
MEKE Conditions by Vendor
MEKF Conditions for Material Type
MEKG Conditions by Condition Group of Vendor
MEKH Market Price
MEKI Conditions by Incoterms
MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party
MEKK Conditions by Vendor Subrange
MEKL Price Change Involving Vendor’s Scheduling Agreements
MEKLE Currency Change for Scheduling Agreement Conditions of Vendor
MEKP Price Change Involving Vendor’s Info Records
MEKPE Currency Change for Info Record Conditions of Vendor
MEKR Price Change Involving Vendor’s Contracts
MEKRE Currency Change for Contract Conditions of Vendor
MELB Purchasing Transactions per Requirement Tracking Number
MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Information
MEPB Price Information/Vendor Negotiation Sheet
MEPO Display Purchase Order
MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement
MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
MEQ8 Quota Arrangement for Material
MEQB Define Background Job
MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material
MEU2 Perform Comparison of Business Volumes
MEW6 Assign Purchase Orders WEB
MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets
MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet
MK01 Create Vendor (Purchasing)
MK02 Change Vendor (Purchasing)
MK03 Display Vendor (Purchasing)
MK04 Vendor Account Changes (Purchasing)
MK05 Block/Unblock Vendor (Purchasing)
MK06 Flag for Deletion Vendor (Purchasing)
MK12 Plan Vendor
MK14 Planned Vendor Account Changes
MK19 Display in future Vendor
MKVG Vendor’s Settlement and Condition Groups
MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing
MM00 SAP Easy Access Material Master
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material
MM04 Display Changes
MM06 Flag Material for Deletion
MM11 Schedule Creation of Material
MM12 Schedule Changing of Material
MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion
MM19 Display Material at Key Date
MM50 Extend Material View(s)
MM60 Materials List
MMAM Change Material Type
MMH1 Create Trading Goods
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
MMPI Initialize Period for Material Master Records
MMPV Close Period for Material Master Records
MMR1 Create Raw Material
MMRV Allow Posting to Previous Period
MMS1 Create Service
MMSC Enter storage locations collectivel
MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material
MMV1 Create Packaging
MMVD Change Material
MMVH Create Material
MMVV Change Material
MMZ2 Change Material
MN01 Create Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
MN02 Change Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
MN03 Display Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
MN04 Create Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
MN05 Change Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
MN06 Display Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
MN07 Create Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
MN08 Change Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
MN09 Display Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
MN10 Create Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
MN11 Change Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
MN12 Display Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
MN13 Create Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
MN14 Change Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
MN15 Display Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
MN21 Create Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
MN22 Change Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
MN23 Display Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
MN24 Create Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
MN25 Change Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
MN26 Display Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
MP01 Maintain Approved Manufacturer Parts List
MP02 Display Approved Manufacturer Parts List
MR00 SAP Easy Access Invoice
MR02 Invoice Items Release
MR03 Display Original Document
MR08 Cancel Invoice Document
MR11 Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account
MR21 Price Change – Overview Screen
MR42 Change Parked Document
MR43 Display Parked Document
MR44 Post Parked Document
MR90 Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification
MR91 Messages for Invoice Verification
MRA1 Archive Administration: Create Archive Files
MRA2 Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program
MRA3 Analysis of Invoice Document Archive
MRM0 SAP Easy Access Logistics Invoice Verification
MRM1 Create Message: Invoice Verificatio
MRM2 Change Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
MRM3 Display Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
MRNB Revaluation with Logistics Invoice Verification
MSRV2 Reporting on Services (Purchase Requisition)
MSRV4 Reporting on Services (RFQ)
WC23 Logistics Invoice Verification – Verification in Background
WF10 Create Collective Purchase Order: Selection and Control Parameters

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