
SAP CONTROLLING CO T Codes | List of Transaction Codes

T-Code Description

1KE4 Profit Center Accounting: Assignment Monitor
1KE8 Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting
1KEK Profit Center Accounting: Transfer Payables/Receivables
2KEU Copy Cost Center Groups
2KEV Copy Cost Centers
6KEA Display Change Documents
7KE1 Change Plan Costs/Revenues: Characteristics
7KE2 Display Plan Costs/Revenues: Characteristics
8KEG Create Pricing Report
9KE9 Display Document
C000 Overhead Cost Controlling Information System
CKMLCP Costing Cockpit: Actual Costing – Change/Execute
CKMPCD Price Change Document
KA01 Create Cost Element
KA02 Change Cost Element
KA03 Display Cost Element
KA04 Delete Cost Element
KA23 Display Cost Element
KA24 Delete Cost elements
KABL Planning Report
KAH1 Create Cost element group
KAH2 Change Cost element group
KAH3 Display Cost element group
KAK2 “Change View “”Statistical Key Figures””: Overview”
KAK3 “Display View “”Statistical Key Figures””: Overview”
KB21N Enter Direct Activity Allocation
KB23 Display Direct Activity Allocation
KB24 Reverse Direct Activity Allocation
KB31N Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB33N Display Statistical Key Figures
KB34N Reverse Statistical Key Figures
T-Code Description
KB41N Enter Manual Repostings of Revenues
KB43N Display Manual Repostings of Revenues
KB44N Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenues
KB65 Enter IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
KB66 Display IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
KB67 Reverse IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
KBH1 Create Statistical Key Figure Group
KBH2 Change Statistical Key Figure Group
KBH3 Display Statistical Key Figure Group
KCH1 Create Profit Center Group
KCH2 Change Profit Center Group
KCH3 Display Profit Center Group
KCH5N Standard Hierarchy for Profit Centers Change
KCH6N Standard Hierarchy for Profit Centers Display
KE21N CO-PA Line item entry
KE24 Line item display – Actual data
KE25 Line item display – Plan data
KE27 Periodic valuation
KE2D Display Sales Orders Containing Errors
KE30 Execute profitability report
KE31 Create profitability report
KE32 Change report
KE41 Create Condition Records
KE42 Change Condition Records
KE43 Display Condition Records
KE4N Change Pricing Report
KE4O Display Pricing report
KE4Q Execute Pricing Report
KE50 SAP Easy Access Profit Center Accounting
KE51 Create Profit Center
KE52 Change Profit Center
KE53 Display Profit Center
KE54 Delete Profit Centers
KE56 Assignment of Profit Centers to Company Codes – Change
KE5Y Profit Center: Plan Line Items
KE5Z Profit Center: Actual Line Items
KEPM CO-PA Planning
KES1 Change Characteristic Values
KEU5 Perform act. cost-ctr cost transfer
KEU8 Change plan transfer of CCtr costs
KEU9 Display plan transfer of CCtr costs
KEUB Perform plan cost-ctr cost transfer
KGI2 Actual Overhead Calculation: Order
KJH1 Create WBS element group
KJH2 Change WBS element group
KJH3 Display WBS element group
KK01 Create Statistical Key Figure
KK02 Change Statistical Key Figure
KK03 Display Statistical Key Figure
KK04 Master Data Report: Statistical Key Figures
KK11 Create Condition Records
KK12 Change Condition Records
KK13 Display Condition Records
KK14 Create Condition Records with Reference
KK87 Actual Settlement: Product Cost Collector
KK88 Actual Settlement: Cost Object
KK89 Actual settlement: Cost Object
KKA0 Change Cutoff Period
KKA3 Results Analysis for Sales Order
KKA6 Results Analysis for Sales Order: Enter Data
KKA9 Delete Results Analysis Data for Sales Order
KKAK Actual Results Analysis: Sales Orders
KKAO Calculate Work in Progress: Collective Processing
KKAS Calculate Work in Progress: Individual Processing
KKAX Calculate Work in Progress: Individual Processing
KKBC Application Tree Report Selection Product Cost Controlling
KKC1 Create Cost Object
KKC2 Change Cost Object
KKC3 Display Cost Object
KKC7 Create Product Group
KKC8 Change Product Group
KKC9 Display Product Group
KKCA Display Variance Line Items for Cost Objects
KKCS Display Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Objects
KKF1 Create CO Production Order
KKF2 Change CO Production Order/QM Order
KKF3 Display CO Production Order/QM Order
KKF4 Change Order Planning
KKF6M Create Multiple Product Cost Collectors for Production Versions
KKF6N Display Product Cost Collector
KKF7 Change Product Cost Collector
KKFB Display Variance Line Items for Orders
KKG1 Order: Enter Cost of Sales
KKG2 Project: Enter Cost of Sales
KKG3 Sales Order: Enter Cost of Sales
KKH1 Create Cost object group
KKH2 Change Cost object group
KKH3 Display Cost object group
KKP4 Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKP6 Reports: Cost Object Hierarchy
KKRC Summarization: CO object
KKS1 Variance Calculation
KKS2 Variance Calculation
KKS5 Variance Calculation
KKS6 Variance Calculation
KL01 Create Activity Type
KL02 Change Activity Type
KL03 Display Activity Type
KL04 Delete Activity Type
KL05 Display Change Documents: Activity Type
KL13 Display Activity Types
KL14 Delete Activity Types
KLH1 Create Activity type group
KLH2 Change Activity type group
KLH3 Display Activity type group
KO01 Create Internal Order
KO02 Change Internal Order
KO03 Display Internal Order
KO04 Order Manager
KO12 Change Overall Planning
KO12N Overall planning for orders: change
KO13 Display Overall Planning
KO13N Overall planning for orders: Display
KO14 Copy Planning
KO14N Set planner profile
KO15 Copy Actual to Plan
KO22 Change Original Budget
KO23 Display Original Budget
KO24 Change Supplement
KO25 Display Supplement
KO2A Change Document
KO2B Display Document
KO88 Actual Settlement: Order
KO8B Display settlement document
KO8G Actual Settlment: Orders
KO9E Planned Settlement: Internal orders
KO9G Planned Settlement: Internal orders
KOB1 Display Actual Cost Line Items for Orders
KOB2 Display Commitment Line Items for Orders
KOB3 Display Variance Line Items for Orders
KOB4 Display Budget Line Items for Orders
KOB8 Display Results Analysis Line Items for Orders
KOC4 Order Selection
KOCF Fiscal year close: Carry forward commitment
KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders
KOH1 Create Order Group
KOH2 Change Order Group
KOH3 Display Order Group
KOK2 Collective Processing for Internal Orders
KOK3 Collective Display for Internal Orders
KOK4 Automatic Collective Processing for Internal Orders
KOK5 Master Data List for Orders
KOW1N Create Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
KOW2N Change Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
KOW3N Display Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
KOW4N Delete Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
KP04 Set planner profile
KP06 Change CElem/Activity input planning
KP07 Display planning CElem/Act. input
KP26 Change Activity Type/Price Planning
KP27 Display Activity Type/Price Planning
KP46 Change Statistical Key Figure Planning
KP47 Display Statistical Key Figure Planning
KP90 Delete Planned Costs (All Integrated Planning Objects)
KP98 Copy Actual to Plan
KP9R Copy CO Resource Prices
KPD6 Change Statistical Key Figure Planning
KPD7 Display Statistical Key Figure Planning
KPF6 Change CElem/activity input plannin
KPF7 Display CElem./Acty input planning
KPG5 Report Painter: Create Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
KPG6 Report Painter: Change Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
KPG7 Report Painter: Display Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
KPSI Execute Plan Reconciliation
KRMI Display Actual Cost Line Items for Orders
KS01 Create Cost Center
KS02 Change Cost Center
KS03 Display Cost Center
KS04 Delete Cost Center
KS05 Display Change Documents: Cost Center
KS12 Change Cost Centers
KS13 Display Cost Centers
KS14 Delete Cost Centers
KSB1 Display Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Centers
KSB2 Display Commitment Line Items for Cost Centers
KSBP Display Plan Cost Line Items for Cost Centers
KSBT Activity Type Price Report
KSC1N Create Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC2N Change Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC3N Display Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC4N Delete Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC6N Act. indirect acty alloc.: Overview
KSC7N Create Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC8N Change Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
KSC9N Display Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
KSCB Execute plan indirect acty alloc.
KSCCN Document List for Selected Cycle
KSH1 Create Cost Center Group
KSH2 Change Cost Center Group
KSH3 Display Cost Center Group
KSS4 Plan Cost Splitting
KSU1N Create Actual Assessment Cycle
KSU2N Change Actual Assessment Cycle
KSU3N Display Actual Assessment Cycle
KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment Cycle
KSU5 Execute actual assessment
KSU6N Document List for Selected Cycle
KSU7N Create Plan Assessment Cycle
KSU8N Change Plan Assessment Cycle
KSU9N Display Plan Assessment Cycle
KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment Cycle
KSUB Execute plan assessment
KSUCN Plan assessment: Overview
KSV1N Create Actual Distribution Cycle
KSV2N Change Actual Distribution Cycle
KSV3N Display Actual Distribution Cycle
KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution Cycle
KSV5 Execute actual distribution
KSV6N Actual distribution: Overview
KSV7N Create Plan Distribution Cycle
KSV8N Change Plan Distribution Cycle
KSV9N Display Plan Distribution Cycle
KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution Cycle
KSVCN Plan distribution: Overview
KSWB Execute plan periodic reposting
KVA5 Transfer Actual Data from LIS
OKENN Standard Hierarchy for Cost Centers Display
OKEON Standard Hierarchy for Cost Centers Change
OKKP “Change View “”Basic data””: Overview (Maintain Controlling Area)”
OKO5 Delete CO orders
OKP1 Maintain Period Lock
OKP2 Display Period Lock
PCA1 Create Production Campaign
PCA2 Change Production Campaign
PCA3 Display Production Campaign
PCCO Production Campaign: Costs – Itemization

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